cosmetic products, the results obtained through herbal hair and skin care products aren’t instantaneous but they are clearly more stable than the ones obtained with modern cosmetics. Slight patience and perseverance is the key to healthy youthful skin and shiny glowing hair!

Herbs are a gift of nature and herbal beauty products utilize them to rejuvenate your skin and beauty. Besides endowing natural glow and radiance, they comprehensively heal the problem area without leaving anything half-cured or up for future troubles. Time and again, it has been well researched and proven that herbal beauty products are much safer than synthetic chemical based cosmetics that are frequently associated with numerous adverse effects and allergic events.

Whether herbal hair oils or single herbs’ medications, herbal beauty and healthcare products are derived from the principles of Ayurveda, which is the oldest known medical treatment. Herbal beauty products comprise of a mix of leaves, fruits, roots, flowers, nectar and herbal oils. Herbal hair oil is made from the herbal components that are renowned and scientifically proven for arresting hair fall and nourishing the scalp. Some herbal hair oils can be massaged on the scalp after a tiring day to rejuvenate your senses. At times, herbal hair oil is also prescribed by Ayurvedic practitioners to treat severe headache, fatigue, listlessness, depression and nausea.

Herbal beauty products are eco-friendly, safe, gentle and not tested on animals. Most of the acclaimed single herbs beauty products contain Aloe vera – an extremely soothing, hydrating and calming herb that suits all skin types and ages.

Other herbs that are primarily used in herbal beauty products are lemon and spearmint. Herbal moisturizers comprise of wheatgerm oil, olive oil, sandalwood, cucumber and lavender while exfoliating scrubs are made from fruit peels, seeds and grains, such as corn meal, oatmeal and tapioca.

Flower and plant extracts are used in preparing herbal beauty products to treat wrinkled skin, colour patches, acne and dull skin. Some of these single herbs medicines can even be made at home requiring little effort though buying these herbal beauty products from a reputed manufacturer ensures lovelier and youthful radiant skin. This is because they comprise of excellent quality herbs and active ingredients blended in the right proportion. Unlike synthetic chemical based